7 Link Building Strategies To Help Businesses Recover From The Pandemic

From its onset, the great pandemic of 2020 has not only gone after humans–it has also gone after businesses all around the world. Almost everyone and every business has taken a hit due to Covid. But, to paraphrase John Adams, with every challenge comes an opportunity.

With the decrease of physical proximity and required social distancing comes all manner of online opportunities. People are spending a lot more time on the internet than ever before.  The catch is in identifying these opportunities and how to take advantage of them. One proven way to revive your business online is through link building.

Link building means getting websites to add hyperlinks to your site in their content. This article will provide 7 excellent link building strategies you can use to recover from the pandemic. 

1. Identify relevant linkable content

The internet is a very dynamic place. What works now almost definitely won’t work five years down the road. Surviving in this world requires the ability to adapt to change.

During the crisis, identify what content is relevant to the pandemic. This can earn links on websites that provide support to people affected by the crisis. Asking these questions will help make your content in-depth and helpful::

  • Will your content grab the attention of your target audience? For example, if you guest post for a medical website, COVID-19 info will make for a great blog post.
  • Are you bombarding your readers with information? Work out a posting schedule to pace yourself and your readers.
  • Does your content address relevant problems in today’s society, such as the pandemic?
  • Is your content accurate and up-to-date? Review older content and see what might still be relevant. Depending on your needs, create new content to complement what you already have.

Here are some proven ways to create linkable content:

  1. Create how-to blog posts
  2. Use eye-catching visuals
  3. Make ultimate guides

Of course, great content deserves a great home. A good site architecture will go a long way. Interweave your content with good web design.

2. Create SEO friendly webinars


A webinar is an online seminar or presentation. Webinars are great for attracting links because they allow a lot of interaction with your audience. There are many ways in which you can leverage webinars to take advantage of the latest trends in SEO:

  • Distribute a post-webinar survey to determine whether your audience benefited from this webinar. These testimonials provide valuable reviews for your website. 
  • Repackage your webinars in different ways. Then distribute them to other social sharing websites like Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram. By doing this, you are more likely to gain more exposure – meaning more likes, shares, and comments. This increases the number of inbound links from high-quality websites.
  • Upload short video clips of your webinar to YouTube. Use specific keywords to describe the content to improve your ranking for particular queries from users.

3. Guest blog to build relationships


Guest blogging means writing and publishing on someone else’s website or blog. This is the easiest way to get backlinks to your site. 

The idea behind this blogger outreach campaign is to build more credibility and visibility for your brand. The more you guest write on a site, the more you create a connection with the site owner. Most bloggers and influencers will respond by liking your content and sharing it. In this way, you can increase traffic and backlinks to your site, and build new relationships as well.

4. Increase your social media presence


People are spending more time on social media than ever before. In fact, emarketer.com surveyed consumers who follow influencers in the US and UK. Since May 2020, 72% of these followers are currently spending more time on social media. After the lockdown, 64% of these followers are likely to continue using social media at the same level. These statistics make social media a great place to earn quality links and increase natural traffic to your blog.

5. Adjusting outreach emails with current events


According to Hubspot, 80% of marketers have increased email engagement this year.

With the news surrounding the pandemic, you need to update your email template. This makes you appear informed and authoritative. You can use the following tactics to do this:

  • Greeting targets with a message that acknowledges the strange time in which we’re living.
  • Being specific about the resources you are offering. Give good reasons on why it could be useful and timely. This kind of information is good for the site’s visitors, especially in the current pandemic.
  • Gently nudging your targets to share the resources you are providing.
  • Signing off your emails in a tone more appropriate with the times. Trade in your enthusiasm for a more sober message wishing them good health.
  • Being patient and considerate with those you’re contacting in your outreach emails.

6. Link reclamation and unlinked mentions

Unlinked mentions is when someone mentions your brand or product in a post but doesn’t link it back to your site. It is possible to reclaim the link by requesting a link on a brand mention. This is what they call link reclamation. This increases your backlinks and your traffic as well. Keep a log of the sources of your unlinked mentions to share any new content with in the future. There’s plenty of resources online on how to convert mentions into links.

7. Newsjacking

Newsjacking” is the process of hijacking the news. This can happen through producing and promoting particular content at particular times. The aim is to take advantage of trending news stories. 

It helps blog posts and social media posts reach followers faster. It is most effective in social real-time communities such as Twitter. In 2014, Content Marketing Institute named 5 brands that improved reputations through newsjacking. 

Newsjacking helps to give your brand popularity. The more popular your brand gets, the more mentions you get. And we’ve already seen how that can translate to links to your site.


Link building is the most excellent way to build relationships with other experts. Through it, you can build trust. This will increase your referral traffic and establish you as an authority in your niche. 

Link building provides support from other professionals and businesses. This support will help your business recover from this challenging, history-making time.

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