The Quality Content Conundrum

In this newsletter we have discussed the importance of quantity when it comes to content and its role in finding that sweet spot that keeps an audience coming back for more, maintains and encourages loyalty to a brand, and generates leads that feed the sales funnel. However, quantity must go hand in hand with quality.

There is an old saying that the perfect place to hide a dead body is on page three of the Google search engine results since no one ever goes there. In today’s world where more and more people are skeptical of online content, companies need to make sure they speak with authority and only post content that can be trusted. In other words, companies need to be producing quality content.  

But what exactly are the criteria that indicates whether content meets the definition of ‘quality’?

The Rule of Three

What is quality content? In short, quality content is anything that adds value to the reader experience. The easiest way to know if what your organization is creating meets the definition is to answer three simple questions: “Is it relevant?” “Is it educational?” “Does it add value?”

Overcoming Hurdles

The Internet is a crowded place, and readers are faced with an infinite amount of information. Much of the information is supplied by companies in the organization’s competitive space, making it difficult for consumers to focus on the company’s key messages. This often leads to buyer inertia, apathy and indifference. However, if the content directly addresses an urgent need or concern, then the company is well on its way to leveraging the power of content to create a deeper customer engagement and loyal existing customer base.

There is also another important component to creating quality content and that’s appealing to emotion. Content that can reach into the psyche of the reader and elicit an emotional response can be tremendously powerful. Marketers have capitalized on this for decades. Similarly, creating entertaining content can be tremendously powerful and increase reader interest.

Be Transparent

Audiences today are more educated and savvier than ever before and can quickly spot a veiled attempt to generate a transaction. Make sure the content your organization produces is transparent and honest. Quality content also adds value to the reader. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can get away with a hidden agenda. Understand what your customer values and realize that often times it’s not the same as what your business cares about.

Know Your Audience

Quality content relies on research. Segment your audience and speak to their needs and desires. It takes time and effort to get to know your potential customers, but it will pay tremendous dividends in the long run. Resist the urge to ‘spray and pray’, hoping whatever content you deliver will resonate with your audience.

Don’t underestimate the influence of culture on your customers. Culture orders our thinking, and incorporates the ideas, convictions, beliefs and theories about the world we live in. Culture drives us and influences the decision-making process.


Peter Drucker, often viewed as the father of modern business management wrote, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” That is one of the key considerations when developing content. Content must provide actual business value. Using KPI’s such as sales, brand lift, marketing efficiency, increased leads, shorter time to conversion and others will indicate whether a content strategy is adding real business value or whether the content needs tweaking. The development of quality content is an ongoing process, and measurement is the key to continual improvement. As we said before, quality content relies on quality research. Let iNA’s writers create expert content for your business. To learn more or to place an order, click here.

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