Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing

This post, “Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing,” continues our series on using social media to drive traffic to your site. The post was either purchased through the Marketplace or purchased through the ordering system. If you’d like to explore how to use social media, please see our Intro to Facebook Marketing and our post Use Social Media to Generate Traffic.

Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing

These days, most affiliate marketers are aware of the enormous impact social networking can have on their business. But they don’t really understand how to use it to their greatest benefit. They might occasionally post about their business but, too often, their posts are either inappropriate for a business and look spammy or they put up content that is unrelated to their products or services. Sometimes they use bad social media etiquette such as posting their links on other peoples’ pages or even spamming their family and friends. None of these practices are helpful and will probably hurt your business.

Instead, there are a number of ways to do affiliate marketing on Facebook properly and, best of all, you can make a lot of money doing it. The amount of traffic you can get on Facebook is phenomenal and you can cash in if you know how to find your target audience.

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Intro to Facebook Marketing

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, “Intro to Facebook Marketing,” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. If you’re looking for more information on using social media to market your business, check out our post Use Social Media to Generate Traffic

Intro to Facebook Marketing

The purpose of e-commerce marketing is to increase interest in your website and ultimately to grow your revenue from products and services sold. Your marketing efforts need to tickle the curiosity of internet users and to provoke them to register or make a purchase via your website.

Facebook has appeared as a powerful ally to everyone involved in e-commerce marketing – that tends to happen when your platform boasts over 2 billion active users. The social media portal offers numerous opportunities for increasing traffic and advertising your website’s main products and services.

The beauty of e-commerce marketing on Facebook is that it’s quite simple. In our intro to Facebook marketing, we outline several basic steps anyone can follow to kickstart their marketing efforts on Facebook.

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Use Social Media to Generate Traffic

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, our “How To Use Social Media to Generate Traffic” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. Without further ado, please read on!

How to Use Social Media to Generate Traffic

In this article, we will discuss basic strategies on using social media to generate traffic, which has become an important source of user engagement for any web site owner. In addition, drawing traffic in from social media platforms provides your site with a traffic buffer in case a dreaded Google algorithm change cuts off your traffic from Google’s search engine. This diversification of traffic sources will in turn make your site more valuable.

Continue reading “Use Social Media to Generate Traffic” Blog | Intro to Our Article Writers


At, we pride ourselves in the ability of our article writers to provide our clients with high quality written content for an affordable price, so we thought, ‘why not start a blog that highlights our article writers?’

And as long as we’re highlighting the quality writing of our team, we might as well write about topics that our clients care about, right?

These two ideas form the basis for the blog. Over the coming weeks, months and years, we will not only highlight the quality of the writing, but also help our clients by writing about topics that are interesting and informative. We don’t want this to become any other blog that soon gets forgotten, we want this to be your go-to for engaging, insightful and relevant content marketing material.

Continue reading “ Blog | Intro to Our Article Writers”